Dear Jags,
March is upon us, which means that spring is almost here, the temperatures will (hopefully) start rising soon (#teamshortshort) and of course, the competition season is finally back on for D1 and the men! Let’s hope we can continue the great results D2 have played in their first game and prove that Jaguars do not hibernate.

March is also the month of the GAM, where we will discuss some options for the future of our club. Please make sure to sign up or let us know who has your proxy vote via the following form: Google Form. All documents have been sent to your inbox.

We also want to thank everyone for being so welcoming at our open practices! We hope to organise many more, so we can welcome more Jaguars this second half of the season.

Lastly, if there is anything missing or if you have an idea for the next newsletter, don’t hesitate to send us a message!

Sticks up!

XVII Board

Thank you, MatCie, for clearing up the Shed again! Let’s all work together to keep it this clean and tidy 🧹📦
SoCo Update
Hi everyone,

February came and was conquered. This shortest month of the year went fast and was filled with one SoCo activity: apenkooien 🎽🤸‍♂️. We went back to primary school vibes and had to use some muscles of which we didn’t know existed. A great instagram reel was made to show off our dodging skills. We also threw in some dodgeball to make sure we were completely transported to primary school 🤾‍♂️ The enthusiasm was palpable and much appreciated from a SoCo perspective.

We were looking forward to organise the sportswap. Unfortunately we were unable to organise an indoor court for this event. This resulted in the unfortunate cancellation. To make up for it we are keeping the date for some after practice drinks where your first soda/beer/wine is on us!

The SoCo

10/03/2023 | After practice drinks
08-09/04/2023 | Club Weekend 🎉
25-26/04/2023 | Koningsspelen & Koningsnach 👑🌃
17/05/2023 | GALA 💃🏻🕺🏽

New zebras!

Congrats to Tara and Dali for making the practical day. Welcome to team Zebra!

Fun fact: not being part of Team Zebra increases the chance of FOMO, so make sure to get your ref license!

National Tournament

Wageningen Warriors and Keizerstad Kannibalz are organising a National Tournament in celebration of their lustra. Note that this tournament takes place on the same dates as our own club weekend. More information below:

“The official sign up for the National Tournament on the 7th and 8th of April in Nijmegen opens Friday the 3rd of March at 11:00 (AM). The first to sign up for the overnight stay get priority, so first come first serve! Be sure to mark the starting date of the form in your agenda to reserve a spot at the overnight stay. The form will close on the15th of March at 23:45 (11:45 PM).

The tournament starts at 12:00 and ends at 17:00 on both Friday and Saturday. The teams will be partly mixed, which basically means that everyone has a couple of players from their own club in their team. The tournament will cost €5,- for one day and €7,50 for two days.

The overnight stay will be at the Boersberg in Doorwerth, due to a lack of group accommodation closer to Nijmegen. This overnight stay includes dinner, breakfast and a party, for a maximum of €50,- (The exact cost will be determined later). Drinks are excluded, but we have a very good deal of special beer for 1 euro and soda for only 50 cents!

The link to the form to sign up:

We also created a whatsapp group to keep you up to date easier:

If you have any questions, you can contact us via”

Sock Design Contest Update

We have received a fantastic design by Marjolein for the sock design contest, which we will reveal at the GAM (08-03). Be there or be square!

Public Service Announcements
We are still looking for members to join the WervingsCommissie! The Eurekaweek preparations have started again, and we are looking for other options to attract more potential members, so please send one of us a message if you’re interested in helping us out!
Mark you calendars:
08/03/2023 | ALV
10-11/06/2023 | Play-off Weekend
26/05/2023 | Friend & Family tournament
The Dutch Umpire Committee is committed to organising as many practical days this season as they can, to ensure everyone gets a chance at obtaining their umpire license. Please make use of those! Next up are:
Saturday 04/03/2023
Saturday 01/04/2023